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Wir freuen uns bekanntzugeben, dass die FUTURE EDUCATION Konferenz 2026 vom 1. bis 3. September an der Universität Graz stattfinden wird.
“Empowering Learners for Tomorrow”: Das war die 1. FUTURE EDUCATION Konferenz
Vom 3. September - 5. September 2024 fand an der Universität Graz die 1. FUTURE EDUCATION Conference für Wissenschaftler:innen, Lehrer:innen und Studierende statt. Mehr als 300 Teilnehmer:innen trafen sich, um sich über Bildungskonzepte der Zukunft auszutauschen. Einen wichtigen Stellenwert nahm auch das Netzwerken ein. Wir freuen uns über das positive Feedback und über den gelungenen Auftakt der Konferenzreihe!
1. FUTURE EDUCATION Award wurde verliehen
Rückblick: Die FEC 2024 “Empowering Learners for Tomorrow” in Fotos

1. Future Education Award wurde verliehen
Der erste Future Education Award wurde am 4. Setptember 2024 im Rahmen der Future Education Conference 2024 vergeben. Die Auszeichnung erging an Salome Flegr und an Stefan Huber für ihre hervorragenden Forschungsleistungen. Wir gratulieren herzlich!
Weiterlesen: Award Ceremony 2024
Kriterien für die Vergabe
Das Konferenz-Programm 2024
Aus mehr als 180 Einreichungen haben wir ein Programm für die 1. Future Education Conference 2024 zusammengestellt. Klicken Sie sich durch!

Interdisziplinäres Symposium
Symposien bieten die Möglichkeit, Forschungsarbeiten zu einem Thema aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln und Disziplinen zu präsentieren und bestehen aus drei bis vier Referenten, einem/einer Vorsitzenden und einem/einer Diskutant:in. Die Vortragenden müssen aus mindestens zwei verschiedenen Ländern und unterschiedlichen Disziplinen stammen. Die Dauer des Symposiums ist auf 90 Minuten angesetzt.
Forschungsvorträge ermöglichen die Präsentation und Diskussion aktueller Forschungsergebnisse. Sie sind für 15 Minuten plus 5 Minuten für die Diskussion vorgesehen. Einzelvorträge werden in Sessions zusammengefasst. Für Invited Talks ist eine Präsentationszeit von 30 Minuten vorgesehen, an die 10-15 Minuten Diskussion anschließen.
Didaktische Werkstätten
Die didaktischen Werkstätten dienen der Präsentation von Unterrichtsmaterialien, die forschungsbasiert entwickelt, in der Praxis erprobt oder in empirischen Studien evaluiert wurden. Diese werden im Rahmen eines „Marktes“ auf der Konferenz angeboten und Interessierten jeweils 90 Minuten in betreuter Form zugänglich gemacht.
(Abmessungen: A0 portrait, 841 mm x 1189mm): Poster bieten Forscher:innen die Möglichkeit, ihre Arbeit in einem visuellen Format zu präsentieren. Im Rahmen der Postersession besteht umfassende Möglichkeit zur Interaktion und Diskussion.
Eröffnungs-Keynote - Andreas Schleicher (OECD Direktor für Bildung): "Educating learners for their future – not our past" (online)

In a world in which the kinds of things that are easy to teach and test have also become easy to digitise and automate, education is no longer just about teaching students something, but about helping them develop a reliable compass and the tools to navigate with confidence through an increasingly complex, volatile and uncertain world. Success in education today is about building curiosity – opening minds, it is about compassion – opening hearts, and it is about courage, mobilising our cognitive, social and emotional resources to take action. And those are also our best weapons against the biggest threats of our times – ignorance – the closed mind, hate – the closed heart, and fear – the enemy of agency. But how do we build the learning environments to enable those knowledge, skills, attitudes and values? What kind of educators and other people are needed to enact those learning environments? And what can public policy to do support those people best? The presentation will try to answer these questions.
Als Koordinator der Programm for International Student Assessment (PISA) ist Andreas Schleicher einer breiten Öffentlichkeit bekannt geworden. Der Statistiker ist derzeit OECD Direktor des Direktorats für Bildung.
Keynote-Speaker der Forschungscluster
Ingrid Gogolin (Universität Hamburg): What kind of language proficiency empowers Learners for Tomorrow?
„Language proficiency“ is a key to educational succes and social participation. (At least) Two questions, however, are controversial: (1) What does „language proficiency“ mean? And (2) Who is responsible for promoting „language proficiency“ in the respective sense? Both questions will be addressed.
Question (1) requires answers that arise from assumptions about linguistic challenges that learners have to master. It is highly likely that these include linguistic diversity: the presence of more than one language (“multilingualism”) as well as multiple language varieties (“multilectalism”), and communication through different modalities (e.g. spoken, signed, written, or technology-mediated; “multimodality”). Against this backdrop, language proficiency means: ability to master the challenges of linguistic diversity approproately, autonomously and fair.
Question (2) refers to traditional concepts of task sharing between families and educational institutions. The latter continue to be deeply entrenched in traditions of monolingualism and the privileging of a narrow set of languages as subjects of formal education. Schools (and considerable parts of the general public) expect that families „deliver“ children who can function appropriatley in a monolingual & standard modus (Piller 2016). Hardly any education system has taken on the responsibility for promoting language proficiency in the sense mentioned above.
I will present research research that underpins: addressing the challenges associated with linguistic diversity has no negative impact on mainstream education. Furthermore, I will present an overarching approach to general language education that allows students to reach their full linguistic potential – regardless of their families' resources to support their language development (Gogolin 2020).
Knut Neumann (IPN Kiel): "STEM Education in times of grand challenges – A vision for the 21st century"
The 21st century comes with a number of global challenges for mankind. These challenges include a changing climate, feeding an ever-growing population and a more sustainable production and use of energy. While students grow increasingly concerned about these challenges that will shape their future lives, STEM education however is still mostly focused on teaching students scientific principles and practices with little to no connection to these challenges. In order to provide students with the competence to mitigate the global challenges they will be facing, a new vision of STEM education is needed. The presentation will discuss what students really need to be prepared for the global challenges, develop a vision of a 21st STEM education that will not only prepare students to mitigate the challenges, but will also support them in developing the belief(s) that they are a crucial element of the solution. The presentation will conclude outlining a road map towards this vision.
Michael Sailer (Universität Augsburg): "Technology-enhanced learning and teaching: The role of learning activities and learning analytics"
Technology-enhanced learning has been studied for decades. During that time, thousands of experiments and quasi-experiments investigated different design features and support measures of digital technologies and their interactions with learners’ individual differences. Despite this wealth of studies, they often focus on effects of specific digital technologies and their technology-specific features on learning outcomes. Thus, a general analysis targeting the impact of digital technology on learning across different technologies is apparently difficult. Additionally, when digital technologies are put into practice, studies sometimes reveal results that are not in line with those from controlled experiments. Therefore, considering research in technology-enhanced teaching might be helpful. Such studies consider teachers’ digital skills, identify effective contextual conditions at an institutional level, and delve into the orchestration of digital technologies within classrooms.
In this keynote, I will offer an evidence-based and meta-level perspective that focuses on learning activities during technology-enhanced learning, thus, highlighting the relevance of how digital technology is used during learning in higher education and beyond. Specifically, I will elaborate on how adopting a perspective centered on learning activities helps us to better understand mechanisms of technology-enhanced learning and conditions for effective learning and teaching with digital technologies. In addition, as recent advances in digital technologies and artificial intelligence confront teachers, learners, and researchers with new possibilities albeit also challenges, I will complement the perspective on learning activities with a perspective on learning analytics. I aim to elaborate on how to shape recent advances in digital technologies and related research positively.
Kati Sormunen (Universität Helsinki): "Inclusive classrooms and creative technology education"
Growing inequalities affect children's chances of success in our increasingly digital society, creating diverse and growing learning support needs in education and training worldwide. This calls for developing innovative and inclusive pedagogical solutions to enrich educational traditions. Creative technology education, which aims to provide all children with a high-quality and safe environment to grow and learn using technological tools, is one possible solution.
My research shows that creative technology education plays a vital role in today's quality pedagogy. In particular, the cross-curricular pedagogy of technology education (invention pedagogy) can contribute to quality growth, teaching and mentoring in integrated learning contexts. Invention teaches both cross-curricular skills and different learning domains, such as science and technology content, creative learning domains and mathematics (STEAM subjects) through collaborative work. The perspectives I will explore in my keynote highlight aspects of digital inclusion, digitally supported learning, and creative technology education.