Instructions for all types of presentations
Instructions for didactic workshops
Hard Facts
Didactic workshops aim to present teaching materials that have been developed on the basis of research, tested in practice or evaluated in empirical studies.
At the conference, these teaching materials will be offered as part of a "market" and made available to the conference participants for 90 minutes each in a supervised form.
Program & structure
- 7 didactic workshops will take place in parallel in one session. (See program: Didactic workshop I + Didactic workshop II)
- We will provide you with a "small island" (1-2 tables) for the presentation of your materials.
- Participants are ivited to wander from table to table and - just like at a trade fair - try out materials and ask you questions.

Materials & documents
- You are welcome to use PowerPoint slides for your presentation, which you can present on your own laptop or tablet at your own table.
- You can also run the slides automatically.
- We would ask you to fully charge the device before the start of the session so that no additional power supply is required.
- You are welcome to bring all materials and documents that are suitable for display and presentation on a table and that represent the content of your workshop.
- In the spirit of participation of the conference participants, you are also welcome to bring materials for independent experimentation and instructions to take away (e.g. handouts).
Instructions for symposia
Symposia last a total of 90 minutes. Please agree the time your contribution may take up during the symposium with your chair(s) in advance.
Room attendance
In addition to the chairperson(s), a representative of the local organization team will be present in each conference room who will be available throughout the session to answer all practical and technical questions. You will recognize them by the white T-shirt of the University of Graz.
They will assist the presenters with uploading their presentation, help with minor technical problems and help the chairperson with the microphone during questions and answers.
Technical set-up
- We ask all presenters to be in the room 15 minutes before the start of the session.
- Before the session, the organization team will set up the screen, projector and laptop.
- An overview of the program will be available in the room.

- Please refer to the conference program for your allocated time and conference room.
- Please prepare your presentation as a PowerPoint presentation.
- Please send us your presentation documents in PowerPoint format by e-mail to by 19 August 2024 at the latest.
The PowerPoint presentation should ideally be in 16:9 (landscape format). Our projectors can display this format best. - Please also save your presentation on a USB stick and bring it to your presentation as a backup.
- To avoid technical problems, please do not bring your own laptop.
- A computer will be provided. Please note that this will be a Windows-operated system.
- If you would like to use a video/audio clip during your presentation, please check in advance if this works on the computer in the room.
- Please arrive in the room 15 minutes before the start of your symposium. Please use this time to meet with the chairpersons so that they know you are present.
Keep an eye on the timing
We kindly ask you to keep an eye on the timing to avoid delays in the program.
The chair will watch over the allocated time per speaker. Please discuss the overall structure of the session with your chair in advance.
Instructions for paper-sessions
Presentations in the paper sessions last 15 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussion. Please keep to this speaking time so that the conference schedule can be adhered to. A paper-session consists of up to five research presentations.
Room attendance
In addition to the chairperson, a representative of the local organization team will be present in each conference room who will be available throughout the session to answer all practical and technical questions. You will recognize them by the white T-shirt of the University of Graz.
They will assist the presenters with uploading their presentation, help with minor technical problems and help the chairperson with the microphone during questions and answers.
Technical set-up
- We ask all presenters to be in the room 15 minutes before the start of the session.
- Before the session, the organization team will set up the screen, projector and laptop.
- An overview of the program will be available in the room.

- Please refer to the conference program for your allocated time and conference room.
- Please prepare your presentation as a PowerPoint presentation.
- Please send us your presentation documents in PowerPoint format by e-mail to by 19 August 2024 at the latest.
The PowerPoint presentation should ideally be in 16:9 (landscape format). Our projectors can display this format best. - Please also save your presentation on a USB stick and bring it to your presentation as a backup.
- To avoid technical problems, please do not bring your own laptop.
- A computer will be provided. Please note that this will be a Windows-operated system.
- If you would like to use a video/audio clip during your presentation, please check in advance if this works on the computer in the room.
- Please arrive in the room 15 minutes before the start of your symposium. Please use this time to meet with the chairpersons so that they know you are present.
Keep an eye on the timing
We kindly ask you to keep an eye on the timing to avoid delays in the program.
The chair will watch over the allocated time per speaker. Please discuss the overall structure of the session with your chair in advance.
Instructions for poster presentations
Technical set-up
- All posters will be displayed on poster panels. The poster panels will be placed in the Foyer of the University Library (Universitätspl. 3a, Ground Floor).
- In the conference program on the website we will provide a list with poster numbers. Please look up your poster number and attach your poster to the panel with the corresponding number.
- Your poster should be brought to the conference and not emailed. We do not have any facilities to print your poster on-site.
- Posters can be ordered from the Graz University print store, which is nearby the conference location. Please note that printing can take 1-2 working days.
- Schubertstraße 6, 8010 Graz
- Opening hours: Mon-Thu 08.30-17.00 + Fri 08.30-16.00
- Phone: +43 (0)316 380 29 90

- Please follow our general guidelines for your poster:
- Poster size = A0 (841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x 46.8 inches)
- Poster orientation = portrait (please note that a poster in landscape format will not fit the panels. The panel size is 1m width and 2m height)
- Attachment materials will be provided for you.
- We advise you not to laminate your poster, as this will complicate attachment.
- Be sure to include the following elements on your poster:
- Title
- Author names, affiliations, and email addresses
- All text on your poster must be either in English or in German.
Poster sessions
- The poster sessions will take place on Tuesday, 3 September 2024, in the Foyer of the University Library (Universitätspl. 3a, Ground Floor) from 13:30 pm until 15:00 pm and will take the form of a gallery walk.
- When you register, you will be told where you can hang your poster.
- On Tuesday, 3 September 2024 from 10 - 11 am, we have reserved a separate registration slot for poster presenters. Please use this slot for registration if possible.
Attachment and removal of the poster
- Please hang up your poster on Tuesday 3 September before 11:30 am
- Please remove your poster on Thursday 3 September after 3:00 pm (before 5:00 pm).
- Please note that posters left on the panels by 5:00 pm on Thursday will be removed by the
organisation and will not be stored!
Instructions for invited talks
Invited talks last 30 minutes plus 10-15 minutes of discussion. Please keep to this speaking time so that the conference schedule can be adhered to.
Room attendance
In addition to the chairperson, a representative of the local organisation team will be present in each conference room who will be available throughout the session to answer all practical and technical questions. You will recognise them by the white T-shirt of the University of Graz.
They will assist the presenters with uploading their presentation, help with minor technical problems and help the chairperson with the microphone during questions and answers.
Technical set-up
- We ask all presenters to be in the room 15 minutes before the start of the session.
- Before the session, the organisation team will set up the screen, projector and laptop.
- An overview of the programme will be available in the room.
- Please refer to the conference programme for your allocated time and conference room.
- Please prepare your presentation as a PowerPoint presentation.
- The PowerPoint presentation should ideally be in 16:9 (landscape format). Our projectors can display this format best.
- To help you prepare your presentation, we would like to offer you the opportunity to send us your PowerPoint presentation documents by e-mail by 19 August 2024. We will then collate the slides for the session and prepare everything in the room for you.
- Please also save your presentation on a USB stick and bring it to your presentation as a backup.
- To avoid technical problems, please do not bring your own laptop.
- A computer will be provided. Please note that this will be a Windows-operated system.
- If you would like to use a video/audio clip during your presentation, please check in advance if this works on the computer in the room.
- Please arrive in the room 15 minutes before the start of the session. Please use this time to meet with the chairpersons so that they know you are present.
Keep an eye on the timing
We kindly ask you to keep an eye on the timing to avoid delays in the programme.
The chair will watch over the allocated time per speaker. Please discuss the overall structure of the session with your chair in advance.