How learning should look like in the future, how to recognize manipulation and fake news, and which learning arrangements we need so that students stay motivated and participate in class - these and many other questions are addressed by the BI2D cluster. In the video, we explain the most important focal points of the cluster.
Game-Based Learning
The focus "Learning by Playing - Learning by Playing" explores how learning arrangements, such as classrooms, need to be designed in order to motivate students, enable them to participate in lessons and to learn in a sustainable way.
To the video - section Game-Based Learning

Social media
This focus will analyze what skills we will need in the future to use social media for informal learning, but also to recognize fake news and filter bubbles.
Extended Reality
This section explores how augmented reality and virtual reality can be used to create new, immersive learning worlds and experiences.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence - what is it, what can it do, who uses it for what? And above all, where is this technology taking us? This is the question addressed by another research focus.