These YouTube videos make physics mentors fit for their job
Under the title "Physics Mentor Support" (PhyMeSup), the Department of Physics Education at the University of Graz has recorded a series of videos and published them on YouTube to support mentors in their work. The latest two videos have recently gone online. Let them inspire you!
Video 4: Students' ideas
In physics lessons, the aim is to lead students from stubborn everyday ideas to physically appropriate ideas. And these ideas vary greatly depending on the students' previous experience. However, learning can only be successful and sustainable if the learning opportunities are geared towards the students' ideas.
Video 1: Planning lessons with the LESS grid
We teachers accompany students on their individual learning paths. However, these learning paths can be very different and a large number of processes take place simultaneously. Therefore, a sophisticated lesson plan is needed so that teachers can recognize and evaluate these processes within seconds and react to them. Our first video looks at how this can be achieved.