Project "MEMO": Supporting plurilingual competences in French lessons

Understanding language, supporting language production and awareness, and promoting acceptance and openness towards languages - this is the goal of Barbara Hinger from the Institute of Romance Studies. She leads the Erasmus+ project "Modules promoting plurilingualism in foreign language teaching - MEMOs" at the University of Graz.
With the help of modules that promote plurilingualism - so-called "MEMOs" - the aforementioned competencies are to be improved in French lessons at schools, especially in the early stages of foreign language learning. The modules are designed to be cross-contextual and can be used and integrated flexibly in lessons, independent of the textbook. The MEMOs contribute to the development of plurilingual didactics and language- and culture-sensitive teaching in schools by complementing predominantly monolingual textbooks. In this process, school languages and the family and heritage languages of the learners as well as the foreign languages they have already learned are systematically integrated.
The MEMO modules
The modules address geographical, historical, and political contexts in Europe and correspond to the current state of research in foreign language didactics. Thus, not only students but also teachers to get to know and experience incentives for innovative plurilingualism-promoting and language-sensitive foreign language learning.
Project manager Hinger is working with several Styrian schools, including a high school in Graz. In addition to the University of Graz, partner institutions from Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland are also involved in the project, which has already been running since 2023. “MEMOs" is coordinated by the education authority of the government of the Principality of Liechtenstein. A transnational project meeting in Graz is planned for April 2024.
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Project Team

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. MA. Barbara Hinger