You can incorporate the latest research findings into your own teaching, use teaching materials taken directly from the latest research, participate in studies yourself and thus support research projects: Here, teachers and principals can find information that is relevant to their daily teaching practice. Parents and students can find out about new developments and topics related to education and its delivery.
"WattsAhead" project aims to promote energy expertise
Energy is precious and valuable. It is therefore important to use this resource responsibly. But what does that actually mean? And how can young people and adults learn energy literacy? This is the focus of the Sparkling Science research project "WattsAhead", in which researchers from the Universities of Graz and Innsbruck are working together.
These YouTube videos make physics mentors fit for the classroom
Under the title "Physics Mentor Support" (PhyMeSup), the Department of Physics Education at the University of Graz has recorded a series of videos and published them on YouTube to support mentors in their work. The latest - and eighth - video has recently gone online Let yourself be inspired!
Differentiated subject teaching materials for inclusive lessons in the 4th grade
As part of the "RegioDiff: Getting to know the regions of Styria" project, the project team has developed teaching materials for 4th grade science lessons that take into account the different reading abilities of children in an inclusive class. The teaching materials are freely available to teachers.
Two Mooc courses prepare physics teachers for the new curriculum
The new physics curriculum for secondary schools will come into force in the 2024/25 school year. Physics didactics expert Claudia Haagen-Schützenhöfer from the University of Graz has designed two free Mooc courses together with her team and specialist colleagues from Vienna so that physics teachers can optimally prepare for the changes.
An interview about students' conceptual understanding of climate change
Climate change is a complex phenomenon. Anyone who follows the media discourse on climate change may get the impression that it is difficult to grasp the complicated interrelationships surrounding this phenomenon. How can students be introduced to the topic and the scientific principles of climate change in an evidence-based manner? Claudia Haagen-Schützenhöfer gives her answers in this interview.
The Climate Change Concept Inventory - CCCI-422
To the interview with Claudia Haagen-Schützenhöfer
Material and podcast on the "DiaLog" project on climate change.
Do we have to give up fast fashion? Should we eat insect burgers? To be able to discuss such questions, you need the right tool: language. Teaching materials from the "DiaLog" project are designed to teach students how to participate in the climate change discourse.
DiaLog - Students discuss controversial issues on climate change
Participants in study on learning mathematics through play wanted!
In a study, Manuel Ninaus from the University of Graz investigated how playful elements affect the learning of mathematical content in adults. Now Ninaus would like to conduct a similar study with children. He is still looking for school classes that would like to participate.
Guide for diversity-sensitive physical education.
Since the beginning of his research career, Univ.-Prof. Sebastian Ruin has been dealing with the intertwining of diversity and sports. His research results and experiences from the school project DUBS are now available to teachers in a "living guide".
To the article "DUBS - Diversity-sensitive teaching development in physical activity and sport".